Akosua Yeboah
February 2024
Western State Hospital
United States
Akosua, however, persisted and would spend time talking to this patient, encouraging and educating him until he started coming out for meals, especially when she was at work.
From my observations of Akosua Yeboah, she is a very hardworking and caring nurse. I always remember a patient on the ward with serious medical issues who never wanted to get out of his room. It was giving the ward a great concern that he could easily have a medical emergency that could be missed due to this behavior. Akosua, however, persisted and would spend time talking to this patient, encouraging and educating him until he started coming out for meals, especially when she was at work. She would take the patient to a private area and sit with him through the meal. She was able to get this patient to at least get in showers, and gradually, he started coming out for meals, even on her days off. She accomplishes her task and is willing to take on any assignment, irrespective of who is assigned. She is an asset to E4. Ms. Yeboah has shown exemplary care towards patients. I have witnessed her going over and above to see vulnerable patients get fed, bathed, and protected from preying peers. It is clear she is caring and compassionate and dedicated to her calling. She deserves Kudos!