Alicia V Caballero Espejo
July 2022
Alicia V
Caballero Espejo
Grassy Creek
Eskenazi Health
United States




Alicia took the shoes off her feet and provided her own shoes to the grandmother before she loaded them into the EMS vehicle.
An 8-week-old newborn was brought into the clinic by his maternal grandmother who was watching him while the mother was at work. The Spanish-speaking grandmother was in a state of distress because she said that about 15 minutes prior to arriving at the clinic, the newborn's body became rigid, his limbs turned blue, he was foaming at the mouth, and he was non-responsive.

The patient was evaluated by the responding doctor to the Rapid Response along with other clinic staff. Alicia Caballero Espejo, RN, directed staff during the Rapid Response, ensuring 911 was contacted, emergency supplies were gathered, and helping to console/counsel the newborn's grandmother. Limited vital signs were obtained with an O2 of 96%, with a heart rate that fluctuated between 164 and 190. As the vital signs were being assessed, the patient's eyes were noted to be blinking very rapidly and he was drooling. Within 5 minutes of their arrival, the patient appeared to have a seizure, his body became rigid, his coloring was blue, and his breathing became labored. His hands and feet clenched. By this time EMS arrived and administered 0.2 mg of Versed. He was then taken to Riley Hospital with his grandmother.

While Alicia was providing care to the family and consoling the grandmother, Alicia noticed that the grandmother did not have any shoes on her feet. Alicia inquired with the grandmother as to where her shoes were, and the grandmother relayed that she did not own any shoes. Alicia took the shoes off her feet and provided her own shoes to the grandmother before she loaded them into the EMS vehicle.