Allison Hubbard-Deckard
November 2021
Springfield Missouri Mercy Hospital
United States




Allison alone did CPR on this man until paramedics arrived. He was taken to the hospital and underwent an emergent cardiac intervention.
We all know Allison is an awesome nurse and has worked hard caring for our septic patients and helping improve our sepsis bundle compliance. What many people don't know is that Allison has done some pretty heroic things this year outside of work.

In October, Allison was at an Estate Auction when a man collapsed near her. She ran to check on him and quickly realized he was not breathing and did not have a pulse. She immediately started CPR. She alone did CPR on this man until paramedics arrived. He was taken to the hospital and underwent an emergent cardiac intervention. He not only survived but went home to his family without any long-term neurological deficits. He has since contacted Allison to thank her for saving his life. In fact, he heard that her grandfather had recently passed away and came to the funeral in support of Allison. What an incredible impact she made on this man and his family.

This story in itself is amazing, but something else miraculous happened yesterday. Allison picked up her niece from school and was driving her back to her house when she noticed smoke coming from the roof of a house in the neighborhood. She quickly pulled her car over and ran to the front door to see if anyone was home. She knocked on the door, but no one answered. She checked the door to see if it was unlocked and it was. She stepped into the house and started yelling for anyone who was there to get out, that the house was on fire. A mom and three kids came out of a bedroom where the mom was taking a nap. They all ran out of the house. Allison even grabbed their dog and pulled him outside. I feel like this would have ended tragically if Allison had not pulled her car over to check on these people.

Allison would say she was just in the right place at the right time. She is humble like that. Maybe God did put her in those situations because he knew she was the perfect person to help. I know she would never want recognition for these things, but I felt like it was important to share. Being a nurse is not only her job, but it extends outside work into the community where she has positively impacted so many lives.