Alyssa Johnson
August 2017
Surgical, Bariatric, Renal
Columbus Regional Healthcare System
United States




I felt so alone at that particular moment, but I only had time to feel that for seconds because before my brain could even allow me to accept loneliness, Alyssa was right there with me.
I came into the hospital with severe stomach pain. After being in the ER I found out I was pregnant with an Ectopic pregnancy. I was informed that there was no way to save the baby. I was to undergo emergency surgery and I was taken to unit 9 to recover. When I met Alyssa I was very emotional and sad as I dealt with this loss. She was doing meds while in my room when I suddenly began to cry. I told her this was a sad day. I cried uncontrollably for my unborn child. Next thing I knew I felt arms wrapped around my shoulders. She had stopped everything she was doing. Took a moment to comfort me and told me it was going to be okay. I felt so alone at that particular moment, but I only had time to feel that for seconds because before my brain could even allow me to accept loneliness, Alyssa was right there with me. A smile goes a long way. A hug goes even further. We tend to forget how powerful the simplest things are. A smile. A hug. A friendly hello are all very powerful. On that day, at that moment, I needed it more than ever. In an instant sadness and loneliness was taking over but not for long as I began to feel comforted and cheerful. I'll never forget the sympathy showed to me in my most tragic moment. Thank you!