Amanda Abrams
July 2021
Memorial Hermann- TMC
United States
Once M had calmed down, Amanda sat and played with her, M was in heaven, and she even has a nickname for Amanda (LOL Queen); that’s the toy they were playing with.
Our daughter M broke her ankle in May. She was in a cast for 3 weeks and then in a boot for 2 more. We were coming for a routine appointment with our pediatric orthopedic surgeon when we found out that she had a possible bone infection in her leg. She was sent to the ER to have an MRI to confirm infection. Which did confirm that there was an infection, and that she was going to need surgery to drain it. She has a big fear of needles and separation anxiety. We had surgery everything went well, and we were brought to the room. She had an MRI the next day on her arm where a knot had popped up that also confirmed the same infection. So, she was started on a broad spectrum of IV antibiotics. During her first round of antibiotics, her IV started to leak. They tried to fix it, but it was unsuccessful. They tried for another IV, but it did not work. M was now very upset and traumatized. That is when we met Amanda, she was the charge nurse for the night. They tried another 2 attempts for an IV, Amanda was there holding her hand while I lay beside her, and the other nurses were working to get it. Again, her little veins just were not having it, so they called a nurse from ICU to come with the ultrasound machine. Finally, they got one to work, and M could calm down, she was to the point that if she heard a noise that sounded like the door opening, she was crying and trying to get out of her bed. Once M had calmed down, Amanda sat and played with her, M was in heaven, and she even has a nickname for Amanda (LOL Queen); that’s the toy they were playing with. M’s IV the next day also messed up and she had 2 more attempts after that they decided she was going to need a PICC line anyway, so they scheduled to get it put in sooner. Every day Amanda worked while we were here, she made sure to come by and check on us and make sure we had everything we needed. Anyone who has the opportunity to meet Amanda should consider their selves blessed! She is awesome!