Amanda Koester
November 2021
RN, MedSurg-BC
4 Medical
Sarah Bush Lincoln Health System
United States




Amanda is a shining example of what makes the teamwork on 4 Medical, and at Sarah Bush so extraordinary.
Picking just one story to try and demonstrate why Amanda is a true DAISY Nurse is almost impossible. That is due to the fact that anyone who has ever worked with Amanda has seen her work harder than anyone else, run to call lights faster than anyone else, and given more of her time and energy to the betterment of her patients than anyone else. Amanda goes above and beyond for her coworkers every day as well. Amanda is a shining example of what makes the teamwork on 4 Medical, and at Sarah Bush so extraordinary. When Amanda comes to work every patient on this unit is treated as if they were her responsibility.

One story recently that I could share is that there was a nurse on our unit who was struggling with a difficult discharge, and Amanda had been ADT the day before. Even though Amanda had patients of her own she set time aside to assist with this very difficult discharge because she had some minimal extra knowledge from her previous day working as ADT. Without Amanda's commitment to coworkers and patient care, this patient may have not gotten the supplies he needed to care for his new diagnosis of diabetes and his condition could have worsened. Amanda truly is an amazing coworker and an even more exceptional nurse.