Amanda Putz
November 2022
AdventHealth Fish Memorial
Orange City
United States




Amanda had a very calm approach to it all; very soft and calming tone to her voice as she was helping clean him up and as I was asking all the questions that came flooding into my head in that moment.
I am recognizing Amanda because of the compassion she had for my family and me as we were in the hospital having our 26-week stillborn baby boy. Amanda had just completed shift change when she became my nurse. I was in a terrible amount of pain at that point, I let her know and she quickly checked me, and I was rapidly progressing, so she was able to get me pain medication quickly. She was about to leave the room when I got terrified that I would have my baby and no nurse would be in the room. I asked Amanda if she could stay and she assured me she could stay in the room with me until he was born. That felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. She could see that I was very anxious, and she proceeded to ask me about my other little boy at home and was able to get my mind off the pain by talking about him, telling her about his personality, and showing her pictures of him.

Not long after that, I had my baby, she had a very calm approach to it all; very soft and calming tone to her voice as she was helping clean him up and as I was asking all the questions that came flooding into my head in that moment. After I had my son, and he was all cleaned up and, in my arms, she came and helped with all that needed to be done. She was able to get all the resources that we needed, she was able to get a volunteer photographer to come in and take photos that my family and I will cherish forever. She helped us to take all the things that we needed from the hospital that were our sons to be able to keep in a safe place forever.

The one thing that Amanda did that stuck out to me was at the very end when it was time to leave our sweet baby boy. She had first told us when we were ready that we could put him in the warmer and leave when we were ready and just to let her know. But my heart couldn't do that. I had told this to Amanda, and I asked her if I could hand him to her so that it didn't feel like I just putting him down and walking away. She said she would do that. So, I did just that. I was able to leave knowing I left him in her caring, gentle, and compassionate arms. She took such great care of me and my family, so I knew once I left, she would take the best care of him.