Amber Quibodeaux
October 2023
Emergency Department
Memorial Hospital at Gulfport
United States




Amber provided an irreplaceable human connection on one of the hardest days of my life.

I met Amber during one of the scariest days of my life, as a 33-year-old who had struggled with conceiving but finally had become pregnant, but unfortunately was suffering a miscarriage at 6.5 weeks with my first child. My MD had confirmed my miscarriage the day before and I had gone home to miscarry. However, after significant blood loss and several fainting spells, my MD sent me to the ED.

By the time I met Amber, I was exhausted, terrified, and scared for my own well-being and barely had the energy to process the emotional loss of my first child. She did her best to answer all of my questions with honesty and compassion, assuring me as much as she could. Amber did not have to take the time to share her own experiences with me, as that is not part of her job duties, but she compassionately saw a woman like herself, going through an extremely hard experience, and extended grace and compassion that was more needed than she could know at that moment.

I am grateful Amber was my nurse and I will always remember her kindness towards me in such a frightening situation. I hope Amber knows that she not only performed her job duties as a nurse that day, but she provided an irreplaceable human connection on one of the hardest days of my life.