Amilia Kopf
May 2016
High Risk OB Women's Health
Wesley Healthcare
United States




I wanted to make sure that I put in writing how much the nurses of the 4th floor helped me and how they are very much a part of our birth story. I am confident that I wouldn't have made it through those 5 weeks of my hospital stay with my sanity intact without the expert, caring staff that I interacted with during my time there. I also wanted to share some of the things that stood out to me during my time there.
I would completely understand any nurse during any shift being overwhelmed by family and other visitors while trying to do tests, take blood sugars, blood pressures, etc. One particular evening, when the girls were up to visit, Amilia came to do a blood sugar. My middle daughter is fascinated with the finger pricks and when I told her to back up (she was trying to stand between me and Amilia), Amilia said she could watch and encouraged her to get close. She moved my NST up that evening so my daughters could listen to the baby's heartbeat.
Amilia showed us that nursing isn't about staying on schedule but it's about taking care of everyone involved. My daughter talks about Amilia and frequently says she wants to be a nurse to be like her. Thank you!