Amy Menard
December 2020
Stepdown Unit CV5
Ascension All Saints Hospital




Amy is my hero, and I am grateful that she has been my nurse.
I would like to thank Amy for coming to my aid. I was allergic to onions that were in my food. She got me the meds I needed fast and stayed with me until I was feeling better. At first, I felt like the aid that came wasn't taking me seriously, but Amy came in and saved the day. She called the kitchen and fixed the problem. She let them know just how serious it was and reassured me that no one down there was trying to kill me. is one of the best nurses ever.
She is always there when you call her. If you don't feel like you need a med she gives you the info for why you do. But first of all, she cares. This isn't just a job for her. She seems like she loves being a nurse. She has all the best qualities and is a real humanitarian. She saved me and has kept me holding my head up even when I feel hopeless. Amy is my hero, and I am grateful that she has been my nurse. So thank you Amy for being so great and loving people, thank you for risking your life to save lives. Thank you for your friendship and compassion. The world needs more strong women like you.