June 2016
Chamberlain College of Nursing
United States
Amy Minnick is the consummate nursing professional! She is a full time Faculty Manager for the RN-BSN option plus she is a Visiting Professor teaching Community Health Nursing. She handles all of these responsibilities in addition to being a full time wife and mother. As the Faculty Manager and Visiting Professor, Amy exemplifies (on a daily basis) all the roles of a Daisy Awardee. She is always a positive role model to her colleagues and accessible to us seven days a week and nearly 24 hours per day. She is enthusiastic and tireless in her dedication to her career responsibilities. She is interested in her students' learning and faculty learning as well. We are her mentees when it comes to dealing with student issues. She is fair, honest and displays a high degree of integrity. In fact, Amy has chaired our Academic Integrity Task Force which has resulted in positive outcomes for students and the faculty who are responsible for delineating the policies and procedures. Her support of students and faculty alike is exemplary. Amy's interpersonal skills are outstanding. In the virtual world these are particularly important as there is little (no) room for error. Her written and verbal communication skills are outstanding. She is a caring individual and recently chaired our team's Christmas Project which resulted in a display of "care for students." Amy cares for herself, her colleagues (as exemplified in her leadership skills) but most importantly for her students.