Amy Yaws
November 2014
Midland Memorial Hospital
United States
Amy Yaws is a great nurse, not just because she was competent, but because she has a nurse's heart, filled with compassion and laughter to help those near to her better deal with the traumas of life.
The nominator's mother was admitted after a fall causing a fourth ventricle hemorrhage, along with a severe headache and vomiting. During a miserable night of dry heaves, Amy stayed by her patient's side and comforted her.
Amy provided medication as well as the ART of nursing - hand holding, (in some cases, HEAD holding) comforting words and sounds. The daughter commended Amy for putting her mother and her "almost unsatisfiable" brother at ease with her conversation and laughter. "You will forever have my gratitude," she said.
Amy is described by her peers as someone who is very knowledgeable on the night shift. They say she takes ownership and likes to see everyone excel; she helps by coaching other employees. Amy is thorough and provides great patient care. She is a leader on the unit and is involved in Care Innovation and Transformation (CIT) and has been an active participant in changes that have taken place.
Because of Amy's compassionate and caring efforts, her patients experience a level of care that exemplifies the impact nurses have in creating an environment where patients and families feel at home.
The nominator's mother was admitted after a fall causing a fourth ventricle hemorrhage, along with a severe headache and vomiting. During a miserable night of dry heaves, Amy stayed by her patient's side and comforted her.
Amy provided medication as well as the ART of nursing - hand holding, (in some cases, HEAD holding) comforting words and sounds. The daughter commended Amy for putting her mother and her "almost unsatisfiable" brother at ease with her conversation and laughter. "You will forever have my gratitude," she said.
Amy is described by her peers as someone who is very knowledgeable on the night shift. They say she takes ownership and likes to see everyone excel; she helps by coaching other employees. Amy is thorough and provides great patient care. She is a leader on the unit and is involved in Care Innovation and Transformation (CIT) and has been an active participant in changes that have taken place.
Because of Amy's compassionate and caring efforts, her patients experience a level of care that exemplifies the impact nurses have in creating an environment where patients and families feel at home.