Ana Scott
August 2021
St Anthony's Hospital
Saint Petersburg
United States
Ana always takes the time to wait for a response and when my parent gets frustrated and starts crying, Ana consoles and reassures that everything will be okay.
Ana Scott RN has been phenomenal and provided exceptional care to my parent from the moment of arrival to the unit. My parent suffers from seizures and understands what people are saying but can’t always respond in a timely manner. Ana always takes the time to wait for a response and when my parent gets frustrated and starts crying, Ana consoles and reassures that everything will be okay. Ana calls me daily with updates to the plan of care, condition, and results. Ana even takes the time out of her schedule to place me on speakerphone so that I may give words of encouragement and say I love you. I am a clinician and I have worked for BayCare for 15 years. I am on the receiving end of care this time and I can assure you Ana is providing care the BayCare way! Ana continues to go above and beyond to make sure not only my parent’s needs are met, but our family’s needs are met as well! I thank God for Ana and BayCare for this excellent care! This angel Ana Scott is a true DAISY Nurse. My family will be forever grateful!