Anastasia Stodolski
January 2024
Zayed 11 W
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
United States




Anastasia saw me, brought me a box of tissues, and gave me the most comforting look. I know it’s a small gesture, but honestly, it meant everything to me.
My grandmother was a patient at Hopkins. Starting off, this nurse was extremely pleasant when she let my grandpa and me into the unit. My grandma was very fond of her, referring to her as “there’s my girl, Anastasia.” 

When I walked into that unit, I wasn’t aware of what news I was about to walk into. I was present for the oncologists to deliver the news to my grandparents that my grandma had stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was going to have months to live. 

Hearing that news about my best friend was maybe the hardest moment I’ve had to endure in my 24 years of life. I was a mess so I left the room and was an absolute embarrassing, sobbing mess in the hallway. 

Staff walked past me, letting me do my thing without passing judgment. Anastasia saw me, brought me a box of tissues, and gave me the most comforting look. I know it’s a small gesture, but honestly, it meant everything to me. It’s the little things that mean the most. I will probably keep that little box of tissues forever. She was the first person to comfort me in a way after receiving that news. 

As a healthcare worker myself, it is not easy. We often work so hard for so little appreciation. The little gestures can make a huge difference and I think it deserves to be recognized. 

That nurse’s small gesture meant more to me than anyone could even understand. I want to say “thank you” to her and to Hopkins as a whole. The best staff and hospital I’ve ever encountered.