Angela Tsrakasu
April 2023
Midwifery Officer
Nursing and Midwifery, Ghana Health Service




She sees herself as being on a rescue mission, using her nursing and midwifery skills to provide relief services and support to those entrusted to her care.
Angela Tsrakasu is a true champion for the most vulnerable in society. As a Midwifery officer stationed at Avevi CHPS Zone in the Akatsi North District of the Volta Region-Ghana, Angela embodies the true meaning of heroism and selfless service. She is a beacon of hope for pregnant women and children in her community, always striving to provide them with the best care and support possible.

Angela's profound regard for the midwifery profession stems from her unwavering compassion for those in need. She sees herself as being on a rescue mission, using her nursing and midwifery skills to provide relief services and support to those entrusted to her care. Her devotion and hard work in providing maternal and child health services, reproductive health services, and OPD services have earned her acknowledgment. In 2013, The Ministry of Health recognised the Agoufie CHPS Zone, where she worked for six years as the best CHPS facility in the Volta Region.

Angela's passion for helping others has led her to identify and address various challenges faced by pregnant women and children in her community. Through intensive home visits, she has identified problems such as a lack of transport, decent dresses, and finances to prepare for birth, which have resulted in poor performance in service delivery. To help address these challenges, Angela has put innovative solutions in place, such as undertaking domiciliary midwifery services, ANC motivation packs, bathing soaps, buckets, labor/PNC packs, and sanitary pads for mothers and teenagers. She formed children and teenage health groups to control and reduce teenage pregnancies in her community.

Thanks to Angela's hard work and innovation, she has achieved remarkable success in her service delivery. She has increased skilled delivery from 0% to 63%, IPT 3 coverage from 0% to 75%, ANC registrants from 12% to 93%, and decreased teenage pregnancy cases from 32% to 5%. In the words of Dr. Amy Khor, a Senior Minister of State for Health and Manpower of Singapore, "A hallmark of a good healthcare system is the presence of excellent individuals, who keep the system running despite the odds". Angela Tsrakasu is one such individual, a true hero whose dedication and commitment to serving her community make her worthy of international recognition. In recognition of her outstanding contributions to maternal care, Angela Tsrakasu, received the DAISY Award, The Health Heroes Award, and was inducted into the Oxygen Health African Hall of Fame.