Angela Wick
October 2023
10W Adult ICU
Rush University Medical Center
United States




I believe that He sent you, to be there with me, during that period of time. The words that you gave were like a helpful light that helped guide our family’s path that day.
Hi Angie,

Last month, my dad was transferred up to your ICU floor after undergoing emergency surgery for a bowel leakage and treatment for sepsis that followed. Now that the dust has settled and Dad has been buried (and our oldest daughter just got married this past weekend), I’m getting back to life and wanting to connect with you. I just wanted to give you my deepest sincerest thanks for your guidance, compassion, and empathy during those 7 unexpectedly stressful hours that day. I, and our family, were not prepared for the difficult decisions that needed to be made about Dad’s care and future that day. I did not think it would be his last, given what the doctors had said the night before. But, God gives us all kinds of situations in our lives, and no matter how dire, He promises to be with us, and often times that can come in the form of friends and others who support us and comfort us in those moments. I believe that He sent you, to be there with me, during that period of time. The words that you gave were like a helpful light that helped guide our family’s path that day. Thank you so much for being there and for using the gifts that He has given you for your patients. May He continue to guide you, your husband, and children in the future.