Ann Daniels
July 2024
Labor & Delivery
AdventHealth Shawnee Mission
Shawnee Mission
United States




There are people you encounter in life, sometimes even in the most tragic of circumstances, sometimes the happiest, or in our case, both, who you know will stay with you forever. That person, for me and my husband, is Ann.
Ann Daniels is one of those people who has had such a profound impact on our lives that we jumped at the chance to nominate her for The DAISY Award. I can't imagine a nurse who is more deserving. Our story with Ann started in April 2023. We were expecting our first daughter, when we found out at 36 weeks that she no longer had a heartbeat. We were admitted to Advent Health Shawnee Mission that afternoon and our daughter, C, was born still the next day. While this was the darkest, hardest time of our lives, there was one bright spot in the midst of our pain and tragedy- and that was our paths crossing with labor and delivery nurse Ann Daniels.  Ann is one of those people who is like a unicorn- both a rarity of a nurse but also a rarity of a human. She is beyond calm and comforting, so kind, patient, and understanding. She has a way of making you feel at home and relaxed, even while in the midst of a traumatizing and devastating situation. We couldn't have asked for a better nurse to guide us through that unimaginable time in our lives. She was compassionate and nurturing, it felt like we had a safe guide to help us through. I can safely and confidently say it was her care of us during that time that got us through- there is no doubt about it. She was more like a guardian angel than a nurse in those days. It was evident that she truly cares about her patients and wants what's best for them. Long after delivery, she even came to check on us before we left the hospital to give us one last hug and hand squeeze and said she hoped she would see us again someday soon under happier circumstances. 

Fast forward to May 2024. We were pregnant again, our first pregnancy after losing C, and set to be induced that day, at 37 weeks, with our son. We were beyond anxious, scared, but also cautiously optimistic and excited. It was a roller coaster of emotions. Earlier that week, my husband and I both said, "Wouldn't it be amazing if we had Ann to care for us again this time around?" We had thought about her often in the months and year that had passed. Well, fate decided to take its course, and that morning as I'm getting ready to start my epidural, in walks Ann. We weren't sure if she recognized or remembered us- but she immediately came over and carefully and thoughtfully mentioned she did remember us. Some tears flowed, and then it was nothing but getting down to business and Ann confidently leading us through the journey again, making us feel right at home and calm despite our nerves. She guided us through every step of the way, which led to the smooth and healthy birth of our son. And again, she even checked on us the next day, coming to find us and making sure our son and the two of us were all doing okay.

There are people you encounter in life, sometimes even in the most tragic of circumstances, sometimes the happiest, or in our case, both, who you know will stay with you forever. That person, for me and my husband, is Ann. We could not have survived these two biggest events of our lives without her. I truly believe she was sent to us by God. There is no mistaking the purpose she was sent for and the role she has played in our lives and those of our children. Ann is one of the most amazing humans we've ever met, and she deserves all the recognition in the world not just for the impact she's had on our family's lives but no doubt the lives of all patients she's come into contact with throughout her career.

Before we left the hospital this time around, we made Ann promise us to stick around long enough for us to hopefully help us deliver one more baby in the future. She did. And I sure hope fate works to bring us together one more time. Ann will always be someone special to us. We have forged a bond with her, and that is something we'll cherish forever. And we want her to be recognized for just how amazing she is and the profound and life-altering impact she's had on us.