Ann Varkey
April 2020
2B and 3BB Neuro Telemetry
Mercy Gilbert Medical Center
United States




Ann is such an angel. She comforted me when I was facing so many obstacles with my health; blood clot in my right leg, V-Tac, a possible blockage in my heart, and several tests ordered by various doctors. This is the Christmas season and I'm missing it, not being with my family, not being with my church family, and not being able to Christmas shop or listen to Christmas music on 99.9 with Beth and Friends on the radio.
I was at my rope's end, but Ann walked in and she listened to me as I cried and told her my story. She reminded me that God is merciful and cares for all of us and will answer our prayers for help, we only have to have faith and a sincere heart. When she ended her prayer, I prayed thanking God for sending Ann to me for her words of wisdom and guidance.