Annette Carter-Williams
January 2024
Primary Care
Syracuse VA Medical Center
United States




He said Annette was very friendly, caring, and always smiling.
A Veteran came to see his primary care physician. Team Blue Nurse Annette Carter Williams noticed his mood to be low and inquired about his mood, determining he was depressed. PCMHI asked SDA and was notified. The veteran is legally blind, so TW offered to fill out this form for the nurse. The veteran reported that he had suffered many losses recently. Their significant other broke up with him after 13 years four months ago, and his little Yorkie died three months ago at age 12. He is not able to drive due to limited vision. The veteran reported that he was lonely as well. The veteran reported he was so glad Annette encouraged him to see the social worker. He said she made him feel heard and cared about. He is now going to connect to services, including peer support and mental health. He said Annette was very friendly, caring, and always smiling.