AnnMarie Lundrgen
May 2022
5N- Cardiac Services
Northside Hospital Gwinnett
United States




AnnMarie was at all times compassionate, comforting, and friendly while demonstrating a level of knowledge, efficiency, and effectiveness that I found amazing.
I am writing this letter to recognize the professionalism of a member of your staff who cared for me when I was transferred from your hospital’s Emergency Department to your Cardiac Care Unit on 5 North. I am 74 years old and have been hospitalized a number of times during my life for a variety of problems. Never have I felt compelled to single out and recognize a caregiver at any hospital until now.

In the short time I was hospitalized with acute onset A-fib, RN Ann Marie demonstrated a level of professionalism that I have rarely witnessed. She was at all times compassionate, comforting, and friendly while demonstrating a level of knowledge, efficiency, and effectiveness that I found amazing. Although I know she had other patients under her care, she made you feel as if you were receiving 100 percent of her attention and did not hesitate to give her full attention to even my smallest need, request or question. When giving report on my case to relieving nurses at the bedside, I found her depth of recall and detail remarkably thorough and obviously the results of years of education, training, experience, and service.

She recognized that I was obviously worried and stressed with this new and dangerous condition I was experiencing and explained in depth the importance of using nighttime oxygen since I have been unable to tolerate CPAP devices for my sleep apnea over the past 11 years. Based on her encouragement and support, I requested and received from Kaiser Permanente a referral to Apria Health Care for the leasing of an oxygen concentrator, and it was waiting for me when I returned home from being discharged by Northside this morning.

While most of the staff I came into contact with at Northside were friendly and efficient, Ann Marie’s level of care was above and beyond what I have ever experienced.


AnnMarie is an old-school nurse. She has worked at Northside Gwinnett for over 30 years and still continues to sit in the room and chats while charts with the patient and family because, “that is how you get to know all about them.” There have been many days when we have had to drag her from the patient rooms to even eat lunch or catch up on other nursing duties. It boils down to this……What the patient and family sees from AnnMarie is devoted attention, kindness, knowledge and caring. What we see is deliberate action, attention to detail, advocacy, and critical thinking. AnnMarie is constantly being recognized by family and patients during Nurse Leader Rounds, patient satisfaction surveys, and from several previous DAISY Nominations. She is an RN who serves with passion, compassion, and undying love for the nursing profession and her career as a professional RN. AnnMarie makes a difference every day she is here, and we all are recipients of her nursing skill.