AnnMarie McCormick
November 2022
Oklahoma City VA Health Care System
Oklahoma City
United States




Ann-Marie and Rhonda pushed and advocated to get the patient started on TPA and then transferred to OU for an embolectomy within 2 hours.
A patient developed stroke symptoms in the cath lab. The patient had a new onset complete left-side deficit. Code stroke was initiated, and neurology was consulted. Ann-Marie and Rhonda pushed and advocated to get the patient started on TPA and then transferred to OU for an embolectomy within 2 hours. These nurses, hand down saved this patient; they advocated and pushed repeatedly for the necessary interventions until it got done. The interfacility transfer alone was a miracle. I have been here almost 10 years, and I have never seen this level of time-sensitive coordination. We are not a stroke facility, and patients have suffered due to this barrier. These two RNs pushed and pushed to get this patient the care he needed with multiple barriers. Time is brain and they beat it!