Antepartum Unit Accreta Program
August 2023
Antepartum Unit Accreta Program
Medical City Dallas
United States
Christa Croteau, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Bryce Sheets, BSN, RN
Lauren Kennedy, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Patricia Lambert, BSN, RN, C-EFM
Chantale Price, BSN, RN, C-EFM
Rachel Burns, RN, C-EFM
Maren Moore, BSN, RN
Brandie Hall, BSN, RN, C-EFM
Chelsea Scott, BSN, RN, C-EFM
Lacey Morris, BSN, RN, C-EFM
Hannah Johnson, BSN, RN




My daughter, like many other patients on 9 North Antepartum, was admitted one day totally unexpectedly due to bleeding from a complete previa. A day that was planned to include lunch with friends while her 4-year-old and 2-year-old were in pre-school turned into a 7-week admission into 9 North Ante.

With no advanced warning, a very scary previa bleed began at 28 weeks. This team of highly prepared professionals was there to greet my daughter, calm her nerves, listen to her, and reassure her and mom (me), at one of the most frightening times of our lives. My daughter was worried about her unborn baby, and I am there worried about my daughter and her unborn baby. With every 3 separate bleeds during this 6-week stay before delivery, each day we were greeted by a team of caring professionals who made this journey possible. You might say, well this is typical of our staff of nurses and housekeepers and PCT" S. I am here to say this team stood out going well beyond the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Professionalism by this team kicked in 3 separate times to calm a nervous mother with a bleed and assist in ways with professional experience in an extremely nervous situation. When you have an Acretta and possible Precretta to the bladder no one wants an emergency. Especially late at night. People needed to be fresh and we all wanted the bleeding to go away. So regardless if late at night in a semi-emergent response, or coming to check on their patient, this team demonstrated compassion, safety, and a genuine concern for their patient, (my daughter), like she was the only one on the unit.

I am sure you receive such "Thank You's" frequently from previous patients on this unit, but I am not sure how you can just single only one out. Over 6 weeks we saw a lot and each of these health care providers, with their unique skills and job position, made a huge and lasting impression on us. For my 2-year-old and 4-year-old grandchildren to see "Jackie" this housekeeper and run to her for a sweet hug and say "Jackie!" melted my heart. For Bryce to visit routinely and discuss "THE Plan". After delivery, when a C/S, Hyst, and bladder repair was done and my daughter was granted the wish to come back to recover on this unit, Patty was in every hour at night to empty drains, check vitals, O2 sat, best positioning, for my daughter's best outcome. While assessments were done at night each nurse made sure to keep it as quiet as possible.

Each and everyone, "The Village" needs to be recognized for their willingness to go beyond just their normal job duty but as Outstanding Health Care Team that has brought my precious daughter home safely to me and also her husband, two other children, and her family. Thank you 9 North Ante and to Medical City Dallas for being an Accreta Accredited Center with a caring compassionate 9 North staff.