April Agather
November 2018
Home Health
Essentia Health- St. Mary’s Hospital - Detroit Lakes
Detroit Lakes
United States




April is truly a warm, compassionate, and understanding nurse and as a person.
To start my story, I must say that I moved to Perham 18 months ago. As a 24/7 caregiver for my husband, who is afflicted with Parkinson's' Disease and Lewy Body Dementia, it was very difficult to meet new people in my area and have no one to call in instances where I could use a little help when he would often fall…. That duty rested on my shoulders. As an RN with Essentia, April became the nurse to oversee H’s respite care, which I started receiving about 8 months ago; I immediately became very comfortable with her ease with H and total compassion for his well-being. I realize that “Care” and “Compassion” may sound like many of the nurses we all know, and God Bless Them All, but April also had genuine sincerity in her voice that would put H at ease. He wouldn’t trust strangers due to one of many of the Lewy Body afflictions. April would often make suggestions or give ideas on making things easier for me. I, too, was part of H’s care for which she would take control.

Recently, I had a serious fall in my home one afternoon, resulting in 2 massive head wounds, a broken tibia, and 3 broken bones in one foot. My first concern was H as I lay on the floor. He was safe and unaware of anything that happened, as was I, due to a blackout, and I don’t even yet know what happened. I had no one to call. The police were out of the question as H would become very agitated, confused, and scared of strangers in the house. I called Essentia at 8 a.m. the next morning. As I finally broke down crying from pain when I reached April as she came into work, the pain in my ankle, for which I truly thought was just sprained, had swollen by 3X’s its size. She told me not to worry, she was on it and would get someone over here ASAP.

Within 40 minutes she had my respite care nurse over to my house. I am so appreciative of April’s understanding of my need for medical attention as well as H’s anxiety about getting into cars or allowing strangers into the home. She pulled through for me on a moment’s notice. I, as a nurse myself, know that a lot more went on behind the scenes to pull this off. This must not go unnoticed. April is truly a warm, compassionate, and understanding nurse and as a person. Essentia Health is lucky to have you here. Thank you, April!