Art Matthews
March 2020
Behavioral Health
Inspira Medical Center Woodbury
United States




So, Art wasn't instantly "the nurse of my dreams" when I first met him. I met him in the first group I attended on my unit. The group was us (the patients) watching inspirational/motivational speakers on YouTube. Now that is a good group topic. But being as though I was still in my funk of the "I don't wanna be here" stage, I hated every second of it. And since Art was running the group he fell into the hate category too. Anyways we sit through group, I end up falling asleep so when I woke up he was gone and group would be done. That was the case. And then I found out he was actually my nurse. At that moment I was like "There's no getting away from this guy". But the hate I had for him quickly dispersed and he became my favorite nurse.
Art had really been a blessing to my stay at Inspira. If it wasn't for his kind spirit, caring heart, and cheesy smile I would have definitely gone as crazy as they thought I was along with others. Every time that Art worked the first thing that came out of my mouth in the morning from the half sleepwalk from my bed to the nurses' station was "Is Art my nurse today?" The answer was always yes, and that's when I'd instantly fully wake up and bounce up and down with a big ear to ear cheesy smile of my own. Every free second of the day that I had whoever was in the nurses' station saw me with a big smile and my head pop up at the window. I'd spot where Art was sitting, got his attention, eagerly waved, and walked away. I'd always stand at the end of the hallway talking off the ear of an MHT until they did rounds. Nurses would sit at the end of the hall too. Which obviously meant Art did too. I don't think there was ever a steady topic of any of our conversations. Everything just ended up being funny and random. Mostly for my entertainment. It also did make time fly by. Which was a good thing. Well, actually the best thing.
My interactions with Art were the highlight of my day and pretty much my stay. I find Art so special because the reason for me being admitted was not in any way good. There was no good I could even think to get out even being here. I figured all I can do here is just sit in my feelings, go to groups, and eat crappy food. I thought that throughout my stay I was going to be miserable but, Art changed that. Just his being and presence brought all the positive vibes my way. With him being around and cheesily smiling, it was very very very very very very very contagious. Soon I was willed with the positivity he had shared with me and shared it around to the WHOLE unit myself.
If it wasn't for Art, this stay for me would've felt as worse as the reason that brought me in. So I NEED to say THANK YOU to the most EXTRAORDINARY nurse, the one, the only, Art. Art is worthy of the award as he is very attentive. He double-checks on you and when you feel lost he comforts you. Not only that, he finds clothing for you and you don't feel so bad about yourself. I found we were both laughing rather than me crying.