Ashley Allard
May 2024
Lebanon VA Medical Center
United States




She stayed late after her shift was over to assure this small child was cared for, assuring all state services were available for this small child.
During the day, Ashley Allard was serving as the charge nurse on the unit. In the early morning, a very difficult veteran arrived and quickly disrupted the entire department. Ashley, as usual, stayed calm and helped all involved staff assist the care of this veteran. This would prove to only be the beginning of that day. The Veteran who arrived had a small 6 year old child in his care and soon after the disruption decided to leave the hospital without the child in his care. Ashley soon found themselves now maintaining a safe environment for a six-year-old child, something the VA does not commonly do. This nurse pulled the child into a calm room and sat on the floor while talking in a very calm and sweet voice with the child. At the same time, she was able to direct other staff to contact the VA PD, social worker, and CYS. She continued to manage a very busy unit ensuring all veterans received fantastic care, as well continued to assure this small child was cared for. She stayed late after her shift was over to assure this small child was cared for, assuring all state services were available for this small child. She also came to work the next day, her day off, again to assure all appropriate notes were placed and to double check on the child in addition to checking no other veterans were missed.