May 2024
Clinical Informatics
Lower Umpqua Hospital District
United States




Safe patient care is Ashley's number one priority everywhere throughout the district. In everything she does, patient safety is the cornerstone of her practice.
Ashley is an overachiever, mentor, staff educator, and a strong Nurse, patient, and staff advocate. She is passionate about nursing and doing things the right way. If she even hears of an issue people are struggling with, she researches the subject and looks for resources, solutions, and examples of others who have done it well. She looks at a workflow and is able to see where issues, bottlenecks and opportunities exist. She then works with individual staff and teams to give options that will stream line processes making work flows more effective and efficient.

She is a strong nursing resource for Case management. She is always willing and able to support and educate on pathophysiology, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, expectations and utilization review. She respectfully provides guidance and encouragement and always does it with a smile. Ashley is our nurse clinical informatics resource, always willing to help navigate Meditech, multiple Interfaces that integrate with our EMR, other computer programs and all things electronic. Ashley will make time, find time or take calls on her own time to support her coworkers. She is our cheerleader, encouraging and supporting others in growth, success, and the very desire to be their best.

As a clinician, Ashley goes above and beyond. She is very strong clinically and holds herself to the highest standard, as well as all others around her. She is mindful of nursing scope of practice and is an extremely strong influence. Encouraging others to learn, know, and keep within their required boundaries. Her knowledge base is exemplary, and her ability to "sit in someone else's chair" to help solve a problem and know that the fix will not disrupt others' workflows is vital. In her role as a nurse as well as a clinical informatics nurse, she is a huge resource for anesthesia providers, residents, and students both in the hospital and clinics. Safe patient care is Ashley's number one priority everywhere throughout the district. In everything she does, patient safety is the cornerstone of her practice. Ashely's teamwork is exceptional, and she's a great person to have on your team.