Ashley McCray
December 2021
University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston and Ambulatory Care
United States




Ashley's critical thinking and fast interventions got excellent patient care for this patient all while letting his family see him.
Ashley Mcray goes above and beyond for her patients. One day she had a COVID patient whom she was very concerned about. She was at the bedside when he suddenly became very short of breath suddenly satting 42% and she acted very quickly to keep him calm, increased his oxygen (on Hi FLo NC and NRB) she called a rapid and saw he was deteriorating very quickly. His sister was in the hall watching all this and was very upset. Ashley let the sister come in quick to see him, while RT was getting an ABG. Ashley stayed calm during this event but was acting quickly and delegating tasks to the PCT to get the necessary equipment, they ended up having to intubate the patient and transfer him to ICU for a higher level of care. It was Ashley's critical thinking and fast interventions that got excellent patient care for this patient all while letting his family see him briefly because she knew he had to be intubated and unsure how this patient would progress.

Another example of her excellent care, and compassion was when she had a homeless man who was being discharged and he didn't want to wait for his meds to come up so Ashley reassured him that she would run down to pharmacy and pick them up herself so he didn't have to wait. While she was at the pharmacy the HUC called her to inform he left anyway and did not wait because it was getting late and he had to be at the shelter or he would have to sleep outside. Ashley ran out of the hospital and caught up to him outside and gave him his meds. She went above and beyond to make sure he had his necessary meds.

Ashley is a team player and a leader on the unit. She acts as charge nurse and some days it is only her, a new grad, and a float or agency. This one day she had a new grad just off orientation and a float nurse from another hospital. She was helpful to both of them, answering many questions, helping them as needed all while having a full load of heavy patients herself. I overheard her talking to them reassuring them to let her know if they need anything. Ashley is a true DAISY Nurse.