Aubrey Huffman
March 2022
Martinsburg VA Medical Center
United States




Aubrey was there with the daughter-in-law when her patient, their father, our Veteran drew his last breath, providing comfort, dignity, and respect to the very end.
I would like to recognize Aubrey Huffman for her care, commitment, advocacy, and deep respect that she showed for her patient.

Aubrey's patient suffered from a severe COVID infection requiring him to be ventilator-dependent for an extended period of time. In spite of our best efforts, he continued to decompensate to the point of desaturating consistently to life-threatening levels. When it became evident he was dying, Aubrey showed her continued commitment to the patient and his care by advocating for his family to come into the ICU and see their father as well as to come to terms with the most difficult of realities his mortality. Aubrey explained the medical situation, provided emotional support, and coordinated a family meeting for the care team and family to discuss the Veteran's wishes.

Unfortunately, the patient’s daughter had been recently positive for COVID and was denied the opportunity to visit due to potential exposure. This daughter felt deep emotion in not being able to see her father and express some personal things to him. Aubrey worked timelessly to find a phone app that would allow her that conversation with her father, advocating for the patient and his daughter to have that last moment by placing a phone beside his ear. This act of deep care and respect provided closure for the family and inspired us as a team that day.

Things were more the way they should be, more “right with” the world because of what Aubrey had done. Over the next hours and then the next day, Aubrey continued to provide consistent care and support to the Veteran and his family as they eventually expressed that his wishes would be for life support to be withdrawn. Aubrey talked the family through the process of their father's passing and provided support and affirmation of the decision they knew he wanted. She was there with the daughter-in-law when her patient, their father, our Veteran drew his last breath providing comfort, dignity, and respect to the very end.

She is truly an example to us all and embodies the values and excellence a DAISY Nurse possesses.