Audrey Mansfield
December 2022
Steele 1
Beverly Hospital
United States




She is so knowledgeable and an excellent teacher.
Audrey is our charge nurse on the day shift. She is always so pleasant and helpful to all the nurses. She always has a kind word to say about her coworkers. It is always a pleasure to work with her. She constantly goes out of her way to be helpful to everyone. She is compassionate to all of the patients and their families. She is always willing to change shifts and do extra time when necessary. She is available all the time, even on her days off. A few weeks ago nurses had a difficult time with a medical day care patient and when we called her on her day off, she helped us figure out how to fix the problem. Whenever anyone has a concern she is right there to help her co-worker solve any problems. She is so knowledgeable and an excellent teacher. She is a wonderful role model for all of her patients and co-workers.