September 2023
Mother Infant Care Center
Naval Hospital Okinawa




Her cheerful attitude and determination to help make everything go more smoothly really gave my wife and me so much comfort that we were in great hands.
My wife was 35 weeks pregnant with our first kiddo, and twins at that. She had preeclampsia with severe features which led us to start the induction process on a holiday. LT Bailey Dooper came on as her nurse during the morning shift change. Due to my wife's severe features, she had to be put on magnesium, which completely messed with her. She was extremely dizzy and had a very hard time keeping track of people and conversations. LT Dooper had so much kindness and sincere empathy through it all. There's bedside manner that's out of politeness and then there's truly caring. Bailey truly cared about everything my wife was feeling and did everything she could to help make her labor smoother.

On a holiday where I'm sure most people would rather be out celebrating, she went above and beyond explaining all the various tests, symptoms, and medications that were going on with such patience, even after we had probably already asked the same question several times. She encouraged J through all the pain and fear of the unknown. Her induction involved more testing, poking, and prodding for labs due to the severe features.

One particular example of her excellent care is my wife was very tough to stick in order to draw blood or put in IVs. Despite several others' attempts, Bailey was still able to get them on the first try, saving my wife a lot more pain and bleeding. I never felt worried or concerned the entire time LT Dooper took care of her, despite numerous medications and challenges with the induction. Her cheerful attitude and determination to help make everything go more smoothly really gave my wife and me so much comfort that we were in great hands.

We ultimately ended up doing an urgent C-section due to my wife's declining kidney function after the evening shift changeover. However, as soon as LT Dooper was back on shift a day later, she checked in with us immediately and wanted to know how the kiddos were doing despite not being my wife's assigned nurse for the day.

LT Dooper is a genuinely caring professional who turned one of the most scary and painful situations into something far more manageable and ultimately one of the happiest days of our lives. She is someone we are so thankful to have gone through this challenging birth with. One might even say she's "Super Dooper".