Bao Xiong
March 2015
In-Patient Rehab
Aurora Sinai Medical Center
United States
...I have been a patient for over 30 days and 2 people stand out to me in that time frame that I was here. One person is Nurse Bao, the other is an aid named Cheyenne. You really need to understand that my stroke was a life changing event and at first I didn't know how much, but it didn't take long to understand it. I know I was probably one of the nurse's least favorite patients, but that never affected the way that these two people treated me or even related with me, and I am very, very grateful for that. For that reason, I would like to nominate Bao for the DAISY Award, and if there is an award for top nurse aid, I would like to nominate Cheyenne. These two people are definitely a credit to Sinai Hospital.