Breanne Hennessy
May 2022
UH Seidman Cancer Center Minoff
UH Seidman Cancer Center Minoff
United States




There is no job or concern too big or too small for her time and she displays selflessness in all areas of the job. Breanne brings out the best performance in us all and inspires us all to deepen our care.
Breanne does not avoid the burdens of our patients but walks with them through their difficulties. Every day she is found sitting with a patient and counseling and listening to them and this inspires us to do the same. She refuses to let anyone bare any weight alone and the teamwork that she fosters leads to all of her staff reaching further into our care She invests her own time and money into the clinic on a day in and day out basis. As nurses, we are able to be more generous with our time and resources because we know and believe that our manager is truly for us and our patients. She is our own personal Sally Wile and our patients benefit so much because we feel very much cared for by our manager. As nurses, we do not operate in fear of making mistakes. In the times when we do we go to her and she shares stories with us about how she has done things accidentally that were100x worse! We trust her and the importance of that cannot be overstated. The clinic functions as a family. As with all families, there are burdens at times but she bares them gladly. The clinic runs at such a high level of efficiency because the emotional state of the staff is so high due to how well she cares for us. The monthly meetings that she leads are encouraging, informative, and even enjoyable! She prepares for them in great detail, provides flyers that explain things so well and she does a superb job making the greatest use of the time. All the nurses truly enjoy being around her and talking with her. Her office door is always open and throughout the day you will see people in there talking to her as they would a good friend and not simply their manager. There is not a problem that she is not willing to tackle with you and she gets results. I even told her how our center needs to step up its coffee game and she offered to go to Sam’s and buy bulk coffee for us and the patients. Clinically she proactively addresses problems and implements strategies that we all benefit from. She is on more committees than I count and is always the first to tell us about how oncology practice is changing for the better. When change does come in policy or practice she conveys the information in a way that makes the team want to join in rather than feeling like the change will be an added burden. Simply put she is the best manager that I have had and I could never leave UH while she is the one at the helm for us! I know that she works so hard for us as her staff and she is so driven to provide the best care and experience for our patients. There is no job or concern too big or too small for her time and she displays selflessness in all areas of the job. She brings out the best performance in us all and inspires us all to deepen our care. UH is so very lucky to have her.


One of the most positive role models for patients and staff. Displays compassion always and is empathetic to patients and staff. A leader with strong UH values. Witnessed her sitting with a patient who was not feeling well. She provided consolation and comfort while he was waiting to be admitted to the hospital. It was easy to see her empathy and caring nature made the patient more comfortable and at ease. She often states “We need to do what is right for the patient.” Holds others accountable for their actions. She consistently tries to accommodate what the patient needs. A patient was having difficulty scheduling an appointment due to a ride issue. She worked with the patient to work out a schedule that would help her be compliant with her treatment plan. In the morning asks each staff member if they are doing ok. Always asks “Can I do anything for you? She routinely encourages staff to partake in learning opportunities and certifications that are offered. Assists with enrolling and completing paperwork for these opportunities.” Always very pleasant and respectful. Motivates all staff to work as a team. Encourages and gives positive feedback when a good job was done. Verbal feedback and UH appreciates. States “Go Team” Always has an upbeat demeanor and asks staff if there is anything they need or if she can help them. Always willing to take a patient assignment or help with a patient's IV access Is a problem solver for both patients and staff. Ex. Scheduling, access to providers, personal issues. She makes it known that she is always accessible either in-person or by phone or text. What is so special about her is that she hasn't forgotten what it's like to be at the bedside and is able to relate to staff like no other manager I've seen. She understands team dynamics and is a natural motivator. She is present at the nurse's station throughout the day, sometimes even taking a seat to work on managerial tasks amongst us. Her approachability is unmatched because of this. When I need to air a grievance or present a workflow problem, she asks first, "how do you think we should solve this?" before giving her own opinion. Her reassurance and open communication when we merged with Landerbook's infusion site kept us all at ease and she couldn't have handled the entire process with more grace. She makes us all better nurses, better problem solvers, and better people. Professional, tactful, outstanding role model. Always accessible and willing to help problem solve. She loves a challenge. When issues or conflicts arise, she meets them head-on by peeling back the layers and quickly defining the issue. She investigates fully by seeking input from others. She listens to concerns in a thoughtful and non-defensive manner. She communicates her perspective and then collaborates to achieve a solution that all team members find agreeable. Just 6 months into her role here she was leading up the merge of SCC Landerbrook into Minoff SCC. She had to cultivate a new culture that was positive, fun, and productive under very difficult circumstances. She worked hard to make the Landerbrook staff feel welcome in different ways such as making introductions, checking in frequently with them throughout the day, and giving them opportunities to share. Her positive attitude and leadership have changed the dynamics and atmosphere of the clinic for the better. Shows strong leadership skills and the presence of someone who means business. She has a contagious enthusiasm and energy that she brings to every challenge we face. At Minoff SCC we work with very a high acuity patient load and minimal resources such as workspace for our team and chair space for patients. She identifies tools that can help alleviate the stress. She is fearless, confident, and always willing to jump in to help when needed. Her humor and compassion help us cope. Her high standards and faith in our abilities help lift our quality of patient care to new levels. She seeks and values input from all team members. Her office door is always open and there is always a tub of chocolate to share. She recognizes each team member's unique contribution to our success by consistently celebrating individual as well as team wins.