Brenda Echeverria
December 2015
SwedishAmerican Health System-Div of UW Health
United States
Brenda was caring for an intubated gentleman who was able to communicate with her by writing notes. He was concerned about getting a hold of his girlfriend E, who lives in Florida. He wanted her to know how much he loved her and that he was hospitalized for a submandibular abscess.
Brenda figured out, with her patient's help, how to reach her. To do this, Brenda found the patient's car keys, walked to his car, which was parked in the ER lot, retrieved the patient's cell phone and then called E immediately. She was able to reach E and told her everything her patient wanted her to know and especially to let her know that he loved her very much.
This was an incredibly sweet thing to do to put her patient at ease.
Brenda figured out, with her patient's help, how to reach her. To do this, Brenda found the patient's car keys, walked to his car, which was parked in the ER lot, retrieved the patient's cell phone and then called E immediately. She was able to reach E and told her everything her patient wanted her to know and especially to let her know that he loved her very much.
This was an incredibly sweet thing to do to put her patient at ease.