Brittany Williams
February 2020
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital




Brittany reported all her findings to Child Neurology society, which held a board meeting and actually contacted AR Medicaid and AR Children's Hospital.
Brittany is really a smart and excellent advocate. My best story about Brittany is her fierce advocacy for Infantile Spasm patients. AR Medicaid was not approving the medication that we use as a standard of care treatment. She also observed that they were just letting children stay in the hospital, forcing the hospital to absorb the cost rather than provide it and allow patients to go home. She stayed on the phone while breast pumping (that may be TMI), contacted AR Children's Hospital, asked their approach which was clearly not standard of care. She reported all her findings to Child Neurology society, which held a board meeting and actually contacted AR Medicaid and AR Children's Hospital. They gave a report asking them to review their process and report back to CNS. I think this shows great intelligence and advocacy and effort on her part.