Brittnie Al-Bataa
October 2023
Women & Babies
AdventHealth Parker
United States




From the moment she arrived, Brittnie was a shining light.
To start off by saying that Brittnie saved my labor, my baby, and me, is not an understatement. I had a traumatic labor and delivery experience. I spent about 30 hours in labor followed by a c-section. I arrived at the hospital around 1 a.m. I was checked in and we discovered that my suspicion had been right – I was leaking amniotic fluid. My contractions were getting very bad, and I was dilated 3 cm at the time of my arrival.

I was totally immobile between the Pitocin and Epidural. My husband was intently watching our baby’s heart rate on the monitor the whole time. Once I had been in labor for 24 hours, that’s when things really took a turn; I was an emotional wreck. I could not stop crying; not only was I scared, but I also felt so alone. I didn’t know my baby was ok and being so many hours into a long labor -I was terrified. My husband started getting extremely concerned too; our baby’s heart rate was headed downhill. My labor was not progressing past 8cm, and my baby's heart rate was way too low with every contraction. I hadn't slept or had anything to eat. The state I was in was incredibly bad.

From the moment she arrived, Brittnie was a shining light. She has the most positive attitude. She immediately made me feel more at ease knowing she would be there for me. I think she only left my room for about 5 minutes total to contact the doctor regarding my care. Just having her by my side made a world of difference. Brittnie acted right away. She turned off the Pitocin and had me change positions in the bed. She infused fluids into my uterus to accommodate for everything that had been lost. Gave me medication to help with cervical swelling due to the long labor.

She tried everything she could to progress labor and facilitate a vaginal birth (which is what I wanted). I could tell she knew what she was doing, which put me at ease. After hours of trying, we had no success. Brittnie came to me to discuss our options and the likelihood of a c-section, to let me know what was going on, and where she saw things heading. She was going to call the doctor in, regardless, because either we would start the Pitocin again and give it one last go, or I’d need a c-section. While it was not what I wanted to hear, I was so glad she kept me informed. I knew I could trust her because she had been trying everything in her power to assist with the birth I wanted.

Due to my baby’s heart rate being so low with every contraction, and my complete exhaustion, everyone agreed that a C-section was the best option. Brittnie was with me through the c-section too, explaining everything that was going on, all the medications I was being given, etc. When my baby came out, he was so pale and blue; bruised, he did not look well. I was glad action was taken when it was for that c-section to keep both me and my baby safe. I fully attribute all the positive aspects of this situation to Brittnie. She stayed by my side when I was so scared, and had the most bright, positive attitude through all of it. I am so thankful that she came in to work on that night and for her as a person and a nurse. I cannot even fathom how things would have gone without her. Brittnie also stopped by to check in on us while I was recovering on the postpartum/mom-baby side, which of course brightened by day immediately.