Brooklyn Edwards
October 2023
UMC Health System
United States




Without skipping a beat, Brooklyn went straight to Costco after work and bought hundreds of dollars worth of flashlights and bottled water.
After the devastating tornado in Matador, Brooklyn saw a posting on social media that the nursing home in Matador was without power and water. Without skipping a beat, Brooklyn went straight to Costco after work and bought hundreds of dollars worth of flashlights and bottled water. She then drove to Matador that evening to deliver the supplies to the nurse at the nursing home. Her gesture was met with tears and overwhelming gratitude from the staff and from the patients, who were all clustered in one area of the home. She drove back home late that night and was still present and ready to work the next morning despite her long journey.

Brooklyn exhibits what it means to be a DAISY Nurse Leader through her kindness and service. Though this instance was directly related to one of our patients at UMC, she was acting on behalf of the nursing community and the human community as a whole to perform this act of service. She is a great representative of our profession and our hospital.