Caileigh Katz
March 2023
6 H&V
UNC REX Healthcare
United States




Caliegh is the ultimate example when it comes to teamwork.
We had a crazy night where we had a code STEMI, 2x rapid responses, and 2 code blues. The entire time my instincts and awareness were up ten-fold and doing my hardest to be available to anyone who needed it. During these hectic two to three hours, I looked to the side where Caliegh stood (she was charge nurse that night) and she exuded such calmness that the frantic feeling I had been feeling, dispersed. When our charge nurse is calm and collected, it eases my adrenaline so that I don’t do anything rambunctious. We were able to conduct each situation accordingly and in an efficient manner.

After all the craziness, I had talked to Caliegh in disbelief of the night we had and she had told me that she was freaking out inside. I was mind boggled. She displayed such professionalism and exemplary leadership while making each code as smooth as possible. I couldn’t believe she was actually freaking out inside. After the codes had ended, she constantly checked up on everyone and helped out in every way possible. Caliegh may be a new nurse without years of experience behind her belt but that night, she conveyed leadership as though she had a decade of experience behind her. When Caleigh is charge, I know I will have a great night. I always feel supported and can trust her to help me when I need it. Caliegh is the ultimate example when it comes to teamwork.