Caitlin M. Wooldridge
January 2023
Caitlin M.
West Campus Operating Rooms
Texas Children's Hospital – West Campus
United States
What strikes me most is her resilience - her ability to work through these often rocky cases each day and still provide compassionate, warm care to her next pediatric patient.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Caitlin for several years. Because of her skills, she is frequently assigned to the busiest operating rooms, literally caring for a dozen or more pediatric patients each day. During these cases, she is so attuned to the events of the OR, that any time my patient starts to become unstable, she is there at the bedside, ready to start an IV or administer medications that the patient needs. This work ethic alone is impressive, but what strikes me most is her resilience - her ability to work through these often rocky cases each day and still provide compassionate, warm care to her next pediatric patient. To be in the room when she first walks in and greets a patient, to hear the joy in her voice and her compassion is truly a heartwarming experience. As a physician and mother, it heartens me to know that she is caring for our pediatric patients as they embark on their surgical journey.