May 2011
Carol (Cricket)
Newport Hospital
United States




The DAISY Award Committee received multiple nominations for Cricket- from her peers, from a patient.
Their comments are as follows:
As an employee of Newport Hospital, it was very different to find myself on the other side of the services provided by the hospital. In June of 2010, I had a 9 day stay in the hospital and felt very fortunate to have Cricket Meehan as one of my nurses. She took very good care of me and I believe went out of her way to do so. Cricket was always pleasant, attentive, informative and patient. It was a comfort to know that she was on duty.

Cricket consistently goes above and beyond everyday when she cares for her patients. She treats her patients with respect and gives them all excellent care. Her coworkers come to her often for help and advice and she is always willing to help.

A nurse's aide writes: One day I was working with Cricket - we had a patient who was dying and Cricket took it upon herself to go out of the way for the grieving family -anything- and I mean anything they needed or wanted Cricket was at their service -never hesitated- never sighed- just went in with an open heart and from the time she got there till the end of her shift family members stated to me that if it were not for a caring nurse like Cricket it would have been harder than it was - the patient had an eleven year old child in the room with them as well. Unfortunately, the patient did expire on her shift and she once again took very good care of the family- as a matter of fact I remember the patient's wife saying to me- does she have any other patients today- and that really stood out to me because even though she was helping this family she never forgot about her other patients.

Finally, a nurse writes that Cricket consistently demonstrates all the characteristics of a DAISY nurse. She is always professional, kind and caring to patients, families and staff. Her quiet, calm nature is appreciated by all. She is smart, knowledgeable and educates herself to stay current. She is a great teacher to staff, new nurses, students, patients and their families. She recently attained Clinical IV status. She is most deserving of the DAISY Award given in memory of J. Patrick Barnes. If Cricket's dad nicknamed her for a flower instead of an insect, we'd probably know her as DAISY!!