Carolina Christensen
December 2021
Children's Minnesota
St. Paul
United States




Carolina's words were always filled with such kindness and empathy.
This nurse is a gift to our family from God. She was so gentle with my son who had gone through so much in such a short amount of time. Carolina would let my son know each time she was by him and what she was doing to him and why. She never left out a detailed explanation, from brushing his teeth to changing a pillow for him. She would end her explanation with "Okay buddy." so he felt valued as a human being- she was clear with her communication to a child who had never been in the PICU with no prior medical issues, to help him feel at ease. Carolina showed empathy as he was coming out of sedation and he was irritated with the tubes all over him. She would gently remind him not pull and explain how the tubes were helping him. I don't even think she paused to think about how to explain it to him, it was automatic for her.

During our stay, my son was in pain and one lab lady did not numb his arm before giving him an IV. I was upset and Carolina was a great listener to my concerns and understood my frustrations as she remained professional in her role as a co-worker with the "lab lady." She knew I was my son's advocate and listened to my needs and concerns.

Carolina also asked me every day about my son's twin brother and she asked how he was doing every day that we were at the hospital. I wish I could have recorded her talking to my son, her words were always filled with such kindness and empathy.

On the days Carolina was not my son's nurse, she would make a point to come by his room and ask how he was doing. She always asked how I was and again inquired about my son’s twin. I don't know how we would have gotten through this unpredictable time in our life if we didn't have Carolina as our son’s nurse. In every way shape and form she was a Role Model, she was Empathetic, she was always an Advocate, and a Heartfelt Communicator. She is a true DAISY Nurse.