Carrianne Marlin
February 2020
Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast
Miramar Beach
United States




Carrie was my nurse during only one of my recent admissions at SHHEC for my stage IV lung cancer, but I wish I could have had her as my nurse during my entire stay. When I was first diagnosed at SHHEC, of course, I was crushed, angry, confused, and sad. Many times, these emotions were aimed at the hospital staff for communication and scheduling errors. My family and I spent many days "in the dark" and never felt like we were given a straight answer about my diagnosis. Many days I felt like everyone else was hiding information from me, leaving me feeling helpless, frustrated, and afraid.
Carrie was the first nurse that gave me a straight answer about the type of cancer I had: adenocarcinoma. The way she shared the news with us was both professional and compassionate. After my family and I had grown a connection with her, she even chose to open up about her own terminal cancer diagnosis a few years ago that moved her to become a nurse today. Her timing was perfect, and it gave me one of my first feelings of hope. I hope she realizes just how much she is paying her blessing of remission forward.
As a nurse and former cancer patient, Carrie was wonderful at explaining things and anticipating my needs before I asked. She is a natural - it's like she was born to be a nurse and be my nurse during a time of uncertainty. My family and I hope that she stays in this beautiful area for a long time so that we can celebrate with her during the opening of my restaurant next year. SHEEC is extremely lucky to have a person like Carrie Marlin working for them.

Note: This is Carrie's 2nd DAISY Award!