Carrie Waters
June 2023
Regional Patient Care Services
Kaiser Permanente Regional Offices
United States




Carrie truly allows her heart’s wisdom to lead the way, allowing her to approach situations with a sense of calm and balance...
Carrie embodies many of the caring behaviors integral to Patrick Barnes’ story and the DAISY mission. Carrie is a one-woman shop that leads many initiatives and is such an extraordinary nurse. She is among the most dedicated and reliable leaders in Regional PCS. Carrie will stay locked in and will problem-solve from afar. These are not ideal or healthy attributes we would ever expect, but they demonstrate Carrie’s commitment and deep passion for this important work.

Carrie became a Caritas coach 15 years ago and a HeartMath trainer in 2016. People marvel at how she maintains her calm amid non-stop rapid change. In reflection, Carrie truly allows her heart’s wisdom to lead the way, allowing her to approach situations with a sense of calm and balance, as well as compassion, clarity, and personal confidence.