Case Management
May 2021
Newton Medical Center
United States
Maria Bessie Ziegenfuss DNP, RN, NE-BC
Maria Gray
Regina Hannapple, BA
Janet Rosengrant BS, BSN, RN, ACM
Mildred Bas RN, BSN
Linda Davidson MSN, RN, CCM
Tineke De Rosa MSN, RC-BC
Marcella Dillon RN, BSN, CM, ASLNC- Certified RN Auditor
Jacqueline Dugan RN, BSN, ACMA
Elizabeth Issler RN, ACM
William Lapp RN, BSN
Michelle Migton RN, BSN, ACM
Antoinette Mitchell RN, BSN, ACMA
Katherine Posey BSN
Joan Shinn RN, CCM
Patricia Wathen RN, BSN, CM
Amanda DeAlba LSW
Amanda Goritski LSW
Julie Klemm LCSW
Brittany Keenan LSW
Lauren Krause LCSW
Emily Maier LCSW
Allison Smith LSW
Katie Struble LCSW
Melanie Wesloske LCSW
Joan Pollner MSN, RN, CHPN
Doreen Nargi RN, BSN, OCN, CHPN
Deborah Granata MSN, RN
Dr. Kianmayi Tadi MD, PHD, MBA




This team is a combination of highly experienced nurses, social workers and support staff. They work collaboratively with the entire multidisciplinary team to ensure safe discharge.
COVID, COVID, COVID.... 2020 was certainly a challenging year for all. When you hear the term “front-line workers”, Nurses come to mind. Nurses continue to play an essential role in managing this pandemic. Nurses come in many shapes, sizes and roles. The team I would like to nominate are unsung heroes. This team is a combination of highly experienced nurses, social workers and support staff. They work collaboratively with the entire multidisciplinary team to ensure safe discharge. While this example is a thank you to a specific case manager, it relates to the entire team and how they work. When I began writing this nomination, I asked for stories that would tug at the heart strings. This one brought tears to my eyes as I hope it will to those of you reading this nomination. I am attaching the letter from the patient. The background is that the case manager worked tirelessly with the community health partner, physician, insurance company, pharmacy nurses and more to make sure that this patient and family could manage. I am privileged and proud to be part of this team. This story is from a patient with COVID on the second floor:


Please note: I love Newton Hospital. I have had experience with several hospitals in New Jersey and Pennsylvania over the years with family members and Newton Hospital is by far the best in this part of the country!

The courtesy extended by staff members is unparalleled and the experience is far superior to any other. I sincerely wish I had written down the names of some of the nurses, because they were amazing.

There is definitely one person who stood out above the rest, however, and her name is Linda Davidson. She was my own personal Joan of Arc! Like a true superhero, she appeared out of nowhere and came to my rescue before I even knew I would be needing her! A true angel sent from heaven. Linda worked with the doctor and the pharmacy and the billing department and the after-care department... and anyone else I needed and straightened out everything so I could leave the hospital in peace and know that I was taken care of. She, and Shannon, and Margit all deserve commendations, but Linda most of all! Linda is the perfect example of the kind of caring professionals that make Newton Hospital great!