Casey Kuehn
December 2019
Emergency Services
Marshfield Medical Center - Beaver Dam
Beaver Dam
United States




This nurse was very kind and went beyond her professional obligations to comfort me and make me feel like I really mattered. Casey spent a lot of time explaining the effects of the ailment I was there to have addressed. She also spent time discussing things in my personal life that are dear to my heart. I lost a child to substance abuse and she related very well to it and we talked about it. She made me feel that I was not alone and gave me the support that I have longed for since that tragic event. She was very well-schooled about the condition that brought me to the ER that morning and when I left, I felt that we had made a wise choice to come in that day. My husband and I were very impressed with the care she provided. So many times the person that makes the most substantial effect on our lives goes unnoticed. I strongly feel Casey deserves to be recognized for her compassion and kindness. Thank you.