Cassie King
May 2023
Blessing Hospital
United States




Thank you for being in the office and available the morning after my diagnosis. Thank you for replacing my overwhelmed feeling with that of confidence in the future.
My doctors tell me I have reached a milestone in my cancer journey, two years in remission. I can think of no better way to mark this occasion than to recognize a person who played a key role in getting me to this point, Cassie King.

The day my oral surgeon told me I had cancer that would require care from a St. Louis-based surgeon, I remember being overwhelmed. I don’t do overwhelmed well. I am also not a fan of talking on the phone. Therefore, bright and early the next day I was at the office of Current Health Solutions, telling the receptionist I had cancer and needed someone who could help me figure out where to go from here.

Those who know me will tell you I am not an overly religious person, but I do believe divine intervention led me to the Current Health Solutions office that morning, because Cassie was in and could see me immediately.

I remember little about our first conversation. But I will never forget the feelings it left me with. Cassie was smart and caring. That suffocating feeling of being overwhelmed faded, replaced with confidence that things were somehow going to be ok.

Cassie and I would talk frequently over the coming months about the care I needed and insurance coverage. Many of these calls I could have, and probably should have made myself directly to the providers in question. Instead, I relied on Cassie – someone who knew the language of healthcare and insurance and would ask all the right questions and understand the answers the first time and be able to interpret for me. Never once did she make me feel incompetent.

My favorite phone calls, though, were not about insurance. They were when Cassie would call just to see how I was doing. That meant so much then and still does now.

Cassie and I have not talked for a while. That changes today. Cassie, thank you. Thank you for being in the office and available the morning after my diagnosis. Thank you for replacing my overwhelmed feeling with that of confidence in the future. The guidance and assistance you have provided me and my family – and the friendly and compassionate way you provided it - have as much to do with me reaching this milestone as the surgeries, radiation therapy, and physical therapy I experienced. 

Thank you for helping to save my life.