Catherine Evankovich
November 2022
Primary Care TVOPC
Malcolm Randall Veterans Health System
United States




Through this time of transition, Mrs. Evankovich played an integral role in team management keeping up with the challenge to provide seamless patient care.
Mrs. Evankovich has longevity in her service time with the Veteran’s Health Administration with over 28 years of service. During the time when the PACT Team was without a permanent Primary Care Provider from February through April and without a permanent RN Care Manager from September to April, Mrs. Evankovich was the sole constant PACT Team Member on her team. She was called upon during this transition to take on additional team responsibilities and workload to include facilitating hybrid video appointments with APRNs from Jacksonville, FL.

Through this time of transition, Mrs. Evankovich played an integral role in team management keeping up with the challenge to provide seamless patient care. Mrs. Evankovich has displayed a mastery of video telehealth appointments and strategic innovation by using a second laptop in her office. She was able to facilitate side-by-side with patients to allow remote providers to facilitate video telehealth appointments, all the while managing patient care with in-clinic providers mixed in between. She has skillfully balanced and managed interactions in real-time with in-clinic and remote providers. Mrs. Evankovich’s problem-solving for patient care access by using hybrid video telehealth appointments has been proven successful. Due to her strong clinical skills, she embraced this new technology and the Veterans timely received the needed care without any gaps in service.

Mrs. Evankovich frequently takes walks in the parking lot for lunch breaks. One day while outside walking she encountered a minivan that pulled up next to her with a Veteran passenger in distress asking where the Emergency entrance was located. She directed the driver to pull up to the front entrance and met them there with a wheelchair. The patient was assisted into the building and a Code Assist was called overhead. Primary Care Walk-in Code Assist team intervened, and the patient was sent by ambulance to the local hospital emergency room. Due to Ms. Evankovich's Veteran-centric care, she ensured quality care to this Veteran in need during her lunch break.

Her strong clinical skills are evident in her daily work. One example is while documenting a T-Dap immunization Mrs. Evankovich noted there was an incorrect option for the lot number listed on the medication vial embedded in the CPRS vaccination documentation. She contact Pharmacy and resolved the issue to avoid any medication error by any staff. She is routinely mentioned on the staff and Veteran kudos from the Patient Advocates due to her strong clinical skills, and mentoring, and is always willing to help others.