Cesar Miranda
December 2021
Emergency Department
Riverside University Health System Medical Center
Moreno Valley
United States




Cesar talked to me and eased my anxieties with his words and actions. His bedside manner was over the top.
I am writing this to acknowledge Cesar, the RN who treated me in the Emergency Room at RUHS. First, let me say that I was diagnosed with cancer, and in the past several months I have had many procedures and tests done. Those procedures led to many complications, which have landed me back in the hospital three times. I have had many nurses, but none held a candle to Cesar. Upon arrival to the E.R., I was quickly moved to a room where they quickly began drawing blood and attempting to start IVs. I am a hard stick and it always upsets me. Cesar came into the room and introduced himself and explained that they were going to have to work quickly to get some antibiotics started because I had an infection that needed to be treated immediately. He explained everything that was being done to me. He apologized for having to poke me with a needle twice and called for assistance to keep from poking me several times. He wasn’t prideful and apologized that he wasn’t successful. I could feel how much he cared, and in that moment I really needed that. He talked to me and eased my anxieties with his words and actions. His bedside manner was over the top. He explained the medications I was being given and why. He was so comforting. He brought me pillows, held my hand to reassure me, helped me to walk to the restroom, brought me ice chips, and was always asking if I needed anything. When he left me after bringing me to my hospital room, I cried. I thanked him for his treatment, but he deserves so much more. He is kind, caring, competent, and compassionate. If all nurses were like Cesar, hospital care would be amazing.