Chelsea Johnson
July 2023
Childbirth Unit
Parkwest Medical Center
United States




Chelsea created an environment filled with calm and peace. This peaceful environment helped me to stay calm and influenced our entire experience for the better.
From the moment we arrived, Chelsea greeted and treated us with patience, grace, and peace. We could tell she knew her stuff and had been well-trained in all things including post-partum mental health. She asked questions thoughtfully and listened with fervor. She was understanding and gracious when we told her our fears and our negative experiences from the past and especially how contractions reminded us of our miscarriages.

Chelsea created an environment filled with calm and peace. This peaceful environment helped me to stay calm and influenced our entire experience for the better. We could even see this peace lead the rest of the nurses when it came time for delivery. Everyone followed Chelsea’s lead.

One of the most influential moments was when we were in transition, trying to finish getting to 10 centimeters. I was also in a lot of pain, and my husband was supporting me. Rather than leaving this difficult time up to us, Chelsea helped me with my labor. She stood there with us and supported us through the entire process. Then she continued the encouragement and praise after delivery and told me how great I had done. She even came by the following morning to check in on us and say hello.

All of this was done flawlessly. It is even more impressive and amazing that she was the mother of three children; her youngest was only three months old. You know she is exhausted, but she never showed it. How blessed we have been to have her step into our lives and show love to us. Thank you, Chelsea!