Chelsea Keehnen
February 2021
Emergency Department
SwedishAmerican Hospital




This display of compassion was so heartwarming. Chelsea was able to think outside of the box to help this boy feel happiness even for just a little while.
Chelsea went above and beyond for a pediatric patient who was in the Emergency Department for an extended period of time awaiting placement. This young patient required one-on-one supervision at all times due to his complex psychiatric history. This patient had no family or familiar faces around. The charge nurse, Chelsea, realized the young boy was struggling to remain in the same room for an extended period of time so she received permission to take the patient to play 4 square in the ambulance bay along with another staff member. She also asked the EMS agency if the boy could be allowed to see the ambulance. The EMS agency agreed and allowed the patient to sit in the passenger seat of the ambulance and play with the sirens. The young boy was laughing and smiling from ear to ear. This display of compassion was so heartwarming. Chelsea was able to think outside of the box to help this boy feel happiness even for just a little while. Chelsea also helped to find placement for this patient along with the right procedures and medication for him. Thank you, Chelsea! We are so lucky to have you!