Christian Price
December 2020
Inpatient Oncology
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital




Christian became a surrogate for her family. His words were kind and encouraging.
Tonight I witnessed an act of compassion that was so moving it deserves mention and an award such as this DAISY. I am a patient across the hall from another cancer patient who was having a difficult night. Clearly in discomfort, the patient was very restless and experiencing the pain only cancer patients like myself can understand, but then her nurse Christian arrived realizing his patient was in a great amount of distress; Christian could only do so much with medication.
Having already medicated the maximum permitted, Christian turned to sitting with the patient and quietly speaking to the patient reassuring he was there for her. I watched from across the hall with amazement of the display of compassion so touching it brought tears to my eyes. Christian's actions and tenderness exhibited were a sight to see. His tenderness and humanity were on full display, but he wasn't looking for praises. Instead, he sat with the patient and just spoke softly giving her the comfort her family would have provided to her if the regular visitation policy was in place.
Christian became a surrogate for her family. His words were kind and encouraging. Had the relatives of this patient seen the tenderness Christian provided to the patient at her most vulnerable time, they would know that Jefferson hires truly selfless nurses like Christian. He is a man who exemplifies the true definition of the word nurse. Christian is a true DAISY Nurse for his outstanding ability to provide comfort and empathy at a time when no one else could possibly have. I thank Christian for being there that night for his patient.